
GOexchange® provides a set of scripts for use with each maintenance job.  Each script performs a series of actions upon all the selected Exchange Server information stores with that job.

The scripts differ in whether they correct errors or only detect them, defragment stores or only detect free space, and act on online stores or take databases offline.  Further, different scripts are available on different versions of Exchange.

Below are summaries and fuller definitions of each available script.

Script Summaries

Name Exchange Versions Dismounts Stores Detects Errors Corrects Errors Defrags Description
 Preventative Maintenance  5.5 - 2007 Full maintenance script.
 Store Error Correction  5.5 - 2007   Simple error detection and correction script.
 MTA Error Correction  5.5 - 2003     Fixes errors in the MTA database.
 Offline Diagnostic Report  5.5 - 2007     Reports on database errors and available free space.
 Online Error Correction  2010 - 2013     Fixes errors in Exchange stores.
 Offline Defrag  2010 - 2013     Defragments Exchange stores.
 Online Error Diagnostic  2010 - 2013       Detects errors in Exchange stores; makes no changes.
 Offline Space Diagnostic  2010 - 2013       Detects available free space in Exchange databases.
 Exchange Backup  ALL       Tests GOexchange's integration with backup processes.


Script Definitions

Preventative Maintenance
Summary: Provides complete error detection & correction and database compaction & defragmentation.
Detail: This is the full maintenance script for versions of Exchange prior to 2010.  It includes the complete set of GOexchange® best-practice maintenance processes.
  • Create and schedule a maintenance job for each information store to run every 4-6 weeks.

  • This should be the default script utilized to ensure the information stores are properly maintained.


Store Error Correction
Summary: Provides error detection and correction only.
Detail: This script will run a limited subset of the Preventative Maintenance script to detect, analyze and correct errors and inconsistencies.  It does not defrag or compact the databases.
  • Create a job using this script when you have a limited amount of time to run maintenance.

  • Use this script if you have recently run a Preventative Maintenance job and just want to perform error detection and correction.


MTA Error Correction
Summary: Provides MTA error detection and correction only.

Examines the MTA database for corrupted messages that interfere with message flow and rebuilds the MTA queues to get the MTA working again.

NOTE: The MTA Error Correction Script does not take action against any of the Information Stores. Therefore, when this script is selected you will not be able to select an Information Store to be included in the maintenance process.

  • Periodically as a preventative measure.

  • If the MTA fails to start.

  • If the MTA queue builds and message flow stops.

  • You may also see events in your system's application log that indicate running this is necessary, such as: Event ID: 2110 Description: A fatal MTA database server error was encountered.


Offline Diagnostic Report
Summary: Provides error detection and free-space estimation.

This script is the DEMO mode alternative to the Preventative Maintenance script.  It will run a full analysis against all selected information stores, and provide detailed information about the errors and warnings contained within an information store.  This report will also estimate the amount of disk space that is recoverable from each information store.

NOTE: This script does not write any changes to the Exchange Information Stores or make any modifications to the Exchange system whatsoever.

  • Run whenever you want to perform a quick check on the health of your information stores.

  • If evaluating GOexchange®, you can run an Offline Diagnostic job and then review the summary and detailing reports outlining the state of the Exchange Information Stores.  To defragment the stores and remove the detected errors go to or call us at 425.451.2595 to purchase a GOexchange® License.


Online Error Correction
Summary: Provides error detection and correction.

This script will perform a check for errors in the selected Exchange databases and will correct any problems it finds.

NOTE: This script does not take offline any Exchange databases.

  • Run whenever a previous run of the Online Error Diagnostic script found unresolved issues with an Exchange database.


Offline Defrag
Summary: Provides database defragmentation and compaction.
Detail: This takes the selected databases offline and defragments and compacts them, freeing up disk space.
  • Create a job using this script when your database have grown very large and you suspect them to contain a lot of unwanted white space.

  • Run this script if you have run an Offline Space Diagnostic job that found significant estimated space savings.


Online Error Diagnostic
Summary: Provides error detection only.

This is the DEMO mode alternative to the Online Error Correction script.  It will perform all of the same detection and analysis steps, but will not correct any problem it finds.

NOTE: This script does not take offline and does not write any changes to any Exchange databases or make any modifications to the Exchange system whatsoever.

  • Run periodically to check for errors in your database.  If problems are found, schedule an Online Error Correction job to correct them.


Offline Space Diagnostic
Summary: Provides free-space estimation only.

This is the DEMO mode alternative to the Offline Defrag script.  It will take the selected databases offline and analyze them to estimate how much space could be saved by compacting them.

NOTE: This script does not write any changes to any Exchange database or make any modifications to the Exchange system whatsoever.

  • Create and schedule a job to periodically check your databases for unnecessary bloat.  If found, you can then schedule an Offline Defrag job to compact them.


Exchange Backup
Summary: Performs backup-related tasks ONLY and does not run any of the GOexchange® maintenance processes.
Detail: This script exercises the Custom Process and Simple Copy features used in regular maintenance scripts, without actually performing the maintenance.
  • To test that GOexchange® can successfully perform backup actions assigned to a regular maintenance job.


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